Komal Rizvi PSL half-time performance

Karachi, February 15, 2016: On Saturday evening, the visitors at the Sharjah stadium to witness the PSL match between Karachi Kings and Peshawar Zalmi were treated to a mesmerizing musical performance by our queen of pop Komal Rizvi during the half-time break. They loved  Komal’s signature-style rendition of Sufi and folk tunes coupled with contemporary music. Komal mesmerized the spectators through the crooning of her well-loved songs like Jhoolay Lal and Washmallay of Coke Studio fame. Not only that, but Komal showcased her hit single Mahiyaar di gharoli with a new rock-inspired arrangement which was loved by the crowd. The PSL match was made more exciting and memorable by Komal’s powerful vocals and her unique fusion of sufi dhamal and contemporary music.

Komal Rizvi PSL half-time performance Reviewed by Ourcountryaffairs on 8:03:00 PM Rating: 5

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