FaysalQuraishi: First Pakistani Celebrity To Launch Own Phone Application
First Pakistani Celebrity To Launch Own Phone
Monday, 7thJuly’14]: As smartphones gain in popularity around the world,
celebrities are taking advantage of their fans being constantly glued to their
phones. It is not only international stars that are doing this,as some of our local
celebrities are also getting in on the action. In the coming days, FaysalQuraishi, popular Pakistani television
star and host, is about to provide his fans with the opportunity to access any
and all information about him at a single touch.
Phone applications
and games are widely popular with people who own a smartphone and now one can
download apps of ones favourite celebrities as well. Ranging from Pope Benedict
XVI to Steve Forbes and even Gordon Ramsay, there is an application available
for each one of them, allowing fans to receive various words of advice or
recipes from their favourite personality. In a few days’ time FaysalQuraishi’sfans will be treated to
the same opportunity. Soonthey will be able to download their very own FaysalQuraishi application straight
onto their phones. Followers will be able to access all information regarding Faysal, ranging from his biography, his
program schedules to hislatest projects, just at the touch of an app on their
phone, at any time of day. Push notifications will allow Faysal’s fans to receive messages every time something new is
happening with the star.
Speaking about what
inspired him to have such an app developed for his fans, FaysalQuraishi commented: “My
fans are very important to me and by launching this application they will not
only be able to receive notifications about my shows directly on their phones
but all my social media communication will also be available to them literally
straight in their hands.”
FaysalQuraishi’s application will be
available for download on all android phones and tabs as well as iPhones and
iPads. Stay tuned to Faysal’s
Facebook page to find out when this exciting application is being released: www.facebook.com/faysalquraishi
FaysalQuraishi: First Pakistani Celebrity To Launch Own Phone Application
Reviewed by Ourcountryaffairs
1:46:00 PM

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