The City School Southern Region launches its Alumni Association

-Objective of the Alumni is to build strong bonds with school and each other
Karachi, July 13, 2016: The City School launched its Alumni Association here earlier today for its
Southern Region in a simple elegant ceremony. The event was attended by a select gathering of
invitees including Heads and alumni of The City School, prominent citizens and members of the media.
Mr. Robin Davies, the British Council’s Director for Sind and Baluchistan, was the Chief Guest for the
occasion and spoke on the value of an alumni not just for the ex-students but also for their alma
mater. Mr. Shehryar Ahmad, Regional Director for The City School’s Southern Region, said “The City
School is one of the best and largest private school networks in Pakistan. With hundreds of thousands of
alumni having gone through our system over the past four decades, it is essential that we build strong
relationships with our alumni and provide a platform to them to build a strong alumni community for
our collective success.
Former City School students Khaqan Sikander and Dabeer Hemani both spoke about what The City
School has given to them and the success they have achieved professionally and socially following their
meaningful education. Much to the excitement of all ex-students who could not be present at the
event, the launch was streamed live through the internet and social media, with live tweets keeping
the global City School Alumni abreast with the happenings in real time.
The evening ended with a concert by the musical group Club 777 as old friends met and reminisced
over their school days and planned how to make their Alumni Association one of the most active in the

The City School Southern Region launches its Alumni Association Reviewed by Ourcountryaffairs on 11:20:00 PM Rating: 5

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