Do It the Clear Way

As summer welcomes us with sweltering heat, sweat and pollution we just want to keep ourselves fresh and clear, especially from dandruff. When it comes to ourselves and our hair we can’t take chances over and over again. Just when everyone was tired of all the lies and giving too many chances to one, Clear came up with a solution with its campaign; “It’s time to switch”. The campaign asks consumers to put an end to giving chances and when something lets you down, it’s time to switch it and move on to something better. This entailed how the populous has at some point or the other been betrayed and disappointed in the same context.

Clear hosted their launch event at Studio 146 unveiling their new product, “Clear Complete Clean” with its new and improved formula which is 2 times more effective against dandruff.
The show took its course with an interesting light infused techy dance sequence presented by the performers who revealed the product.
There forward, the remarkable duo, also the Brand Ambassadors of Clear were great sport throughout the event. The gig included a rapid fire round with Fahad where we got some really interesting answers; when asked, “Mahira Khan or Ayesha Omer?” He replied saying, “Mehwish”. Shortly after this we had the lady of the hour, the gorgeous Mehwish Hayat who joined us and the game ‘Never have I ever’ was played where placards were given to answer the list of questions and mind you the turnout was a lot more interesting than expected and the replies were a surprise!
The ad was screened and we loved how direct and powerful it was and we have great expectations from it.     


The event was star studded with celebrities present from all fields of entertainment looking wonderful as ever, including; the ever energetic Khalid Malik, Bilal Ashraf, FaryalMehmood, Zara Noor Abbas, Asad Siddiqui, AzferRehman, Saima Moor, Sana Javed, Sadaf Hamid, Danish Hayat, Rao Ali Khan, Beenish Pervez, Nadia Mistry, NaeemUlHaq, Mona Imran , Ubaid Sheikh,  Abdul Samad and Mr and MrsAsadUlHaq. 
We were thoroughly impressed with the results of the product and we are sure that this new variant is sure to fix the problem and avoid any more lies! A couple of celebrities gave their remarks over the launch of this new product where FaryalMehmood said, “No more drama, no more lies, it’s time to switch.” The exquisite event was managed by the one and only RAKA.

Brand Manager Noshin Ahmed shared her views with the media and said, “I was thoroughly pleased with how the event took its course and would like to personally thank all those who attended it. We areconfident this product will do great in the market.”

This product is sure to take the market with a storm and only see success. So wear all black this summer everywhere without any worry because Clear now has got your back!

Do It the Clear Way Reviewed by ourcountryaffairs on 4:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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