The latest play of HUM TV Kaisi Aurat Hoon Mein, highlights the struggle of a working woman in our society despite her efforts and capabilities to keep a perfect balance between her professional and personal life. The storyline focuses on how a successful working woman threatens a chauvinist male’s ego who finds her ambition hard to stomach. The story revolves around Mahan and Moiz - high school sweethearts who despite the odds manage to convince their families of getting married. As time passes, Maham realizes that Moiz doesn’t take his responsibilities as a husband and a father of two seriously and to make ends meet she starts working as a chef at a culinary television channel. Maham’s growing popularity bruises Moiz’s ego and he starts crushing her personality with constant mental torture and abuse.

Every Wednesday at 8:00pm
Writer: Saima Akram Chuahdry
Director: Fahim Burney
Producer: Hammad Abbas and Mukhtar Ahmed
Cast: Nadia Khan, Faisal Rehman, Saniya Shamshad, Mareeha, Rohi Khan, Daniyal Zafar, Adila Saleem, Mariyam Shafi, Ali Josh and others.

KAISI AURAT HOON MAIN Reviewed by ourcountryaffairs on 9:13:00 AM Rating: 5


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