You Don’t Need To Wash your Levi’s® Says CEOChip Bergh
At the
recent Fortune’s Brainstorm Green Conference Levi’s® CEO, Chip Bergh
confessed that ‘he does not wash his
jeans’. In order to be eco-friendly and save water, Levi’s® introduced their stone washed jeans, smoothed with rocks
but no water, back in 2011. Guess what? They practice what they preach.
Chip Bergh openly stated that he hasn’t washed his jeans
in over a year and he isn’t the only one. Fashion designer, Tommy Hilfiger is also part of the same
bandwagon along with journalist Anderson
Cooper. In fact it is advised by some to put ones jeans in the freezer if
they start to smell, instead of washing them."These jeans are maybe a year old and these have yet to see a washing
machine," said Chip of the pair he wore during a chat onstage at the
conference. "I know that sounds
totally disgusting."He recommended spot cleaning jeans with a sponge
or toothbrush and a bit of detergent, rather than using water. He added that
less washing equals greater environmental sustainability.
So are you
up for the challenge? What better way is there to prevent your mum or spouse
from throwing your jeans in the wash than telling them they’re yourLevi’s® and are designed to not be
washed!Give it a try, come up with an alternate way of keeping your Levi’s®clean, and don’t go a single day
without wearing your favourite pair.
You Don’t Need To Wash your Levi’s® Says CEOChip Bergh
Reviewed by Ourcountryaffairs
12:44:00 PM
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